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Important Information


Although we aim to have maximum fun and enjoyment on all our courses and camps we do spend a lot of time outdoors so being prepared for the day ahead will increase your enjoyment and learning experience.

Where to meet...

For the 2024 season Sailing Programs will meet in our Lower Parking lot and register through the lower entrance to the Yacht Club.

Parking for drop-off and pick-up is on off of Townsite road through the main gate at the yacht club. 

Please follow the directions of our staff for entrance and exit as access into the Yacht club.

Please be patient as we are all now operating to new protocols and we will not tolerate abusive or rude behavior toward our staff or other participants.

Please remember to sign in and out with your Instructor!

What to bring...

Please make sure you bring the Emergency Contact Form with you on the first day of your program.

Bring clothes appropriate for the weather, a towel, and full change of clothes each day. When it is cold, fleece layers are ideal as cotton does not stay warm when wet.

Be sure to bring wind and water-proof layers as well! No jeans, please!

To protect yourself from the sun bring a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen. We recommend you apply sunscreen before you arrive, as well as throughout the day.

Students are required to wear shoes at all times, even swimming. Closed-toed shoes (eg. water shoes & wetsuit booties) are highly recommended. Teva style sandals and sneakers or runners are acceptable, flip flops are not acceptable.

NYC encourages a healthy lifestyle, so please make sure you pack a snack and lunch. Also, bring a water bottle that can be brought out on the water.

We often have picnic-style lunches in locations other than in the NYC. Please pack your child’s lunch and snacks in an easy-to-carry case or bag. Lunch and snack times may vary.

We encourage you to use your own Canadian Coast Guard Approved Personal Flotation Device. If you do not own one NYC has extra that students may borrow.

Wetsuits and sailing gloves are not required but feel free to bring them along! Remember that wetsuits are designed to work once you are wet and must fit correctly, so you will likely be more comfortable in layered clothing. Rubber gardening gloves are a reasonable alternative to expensive sailing gloves.

For added safety, we recommend athletes to bring sailing helmets.

Please make sure everything fits neatly in one bag. Nothing can be left lying about at the club or on the docks.

Please leave anything of value or anything that doesn’t agree with saltwater at home. NYC will not be held responsible for items that go missing or are damaged.

What to expect...

Our programs are run to Sail Canada standards and regulations, it is important to know that most of these camps are designed to take more than one week to complete. Just because you sign up for a level does not mean you will achieve it after the week is done. If you do not complete the level that does not mean you have failed it, you just have some more things to work on!

Participants will be on the water rain or shine.

Instructors endeavor to have sailors sailing in appropriate and safe conditions.

As sailing is a water sport, expect to get wet every day, especially your feet!

The goal of sailing is to avoid capsizing, however, even the best sailors capsize sometimes! Sailors will be instructed on capsizing and self-rescue. Don’t worry, it’s all done in a controlled and supported environment the first time.

Supervision between 8:50am and 3:40pm for full-day programs.

Fun, safe, high-quality programming delivered by certified Sail Canada Instructors!

What we expect...

Participants must be able to follow instructions in order to participate in programs at the Nanaimo Yacht Club.

If you are unable to attend please call 250-268-0876 or email sailtraining@nanaimoyc.ca before 9am of the day in question.

Please make sure your child signs in with the instructor at the beginning of the day and signs out again at the end of the day.

Participants will be picked up within 15 minutes of the end of their program and will be dropped off no earlier than 10 minutes before the start of their program.

If you cannot make the pickup times for unforeseen circumstances please call and your child will be seated in our boardroom. No direct supervision will be available but staff will be in the building.

Failure to collect your child on time may result in him/her being asked to leave the program.

Participants will arrive with enough clothing, footwear, sun protection, food, and water for the day in order to be comfortable and safe.

Instructors will be informed of any medical or special needs of a participant.


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